The Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification Exam checks your ability to design and build data models. The QSDA2021 certification is good for you if you want to become a partner. It is also good if you want to become an expert and validate your knowledge and skills in this field. Candidates considering a career in this field should be aware that this job requires dealing with data, networks, software, and cloud services and the ability to accurately estimate how the foundation and its elements fit with business requirements. A data architect’s job is to design the framework for data management systems. Architects provide a strategy to connect, concentrate, manage, and maintain a company’s possible data sources after assessing them.
Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification exam has 50 multiple-choice questions with a 2-hour time limit.
Exam Topics
Identify Requirements (20% of the exam)
Data Connectivity (8% of the exam)
Data Model Design (28% of the exam)
Data Transformations (38% of the exam)
Validation (6% of the exam)
You can cover all these topics and do the best certification preparation from our website on a reasonable budget. We have all the helping material in PDF format for your convenience. Our practice test surely helps you to pass the exam on the first attempt.
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